Articles sur business ethics

3 septembre 2024

‘Social profit orientation’ can help companies and nonprofits alike do more good in the world

Generating financial returns, noble and important as that goal is, is no longer enough, 3 scholars of marketing argue.

12 juin 2024

‘We remain concerned’: Senate inquiry into PwC tax scandal calls for reform, but overuse of consultants will likely continue

The hooks of the consulting industry are deeply embedded in public service departments.

24 janvier 2024

AI in HR: Are you cool with being recruited by a robot? Our studies reveal job candidates’ true feelings

Companies and hiring agencies are increasingly resorting to AI-enabled tools in recruitment. How they’re used can significantly impact an individual’s perception of the organisation.

27 juillet 2023

Hypocrisy penalty: Investors especially hate companies that say they’re good then behave badly – unless the money is good

A new study finds that investors punish companies for behaving badly over three times as much if they have a record of saying they’re virtuous.

25 mai 2023

What is ‘ethical AI’ and how can companies achieve it?

Dennis Hirsch, The Ohio State University et Piers Norris Turner, The Ohio State University

Companies that want to avoid the harms of AI, such as bias or privacy violations, lack clear-cut guidelines on how to act responsibly. That makes internal management and decision-making critical.

22 avril 2023

Fast fashion still comes with deadly risks, 10 years after the Rana Plaza disaster – the industry’s many moving pieces make it easy to cut corners

Ten years after the collapse at Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, the garment industry’s deadliest disaster, reforms are incomplete. The opaqueness of today’s complex supply chain is part of the problem.

13 janvier 2023

What does ESG mean? Two business scholars explain what environmental, social and governance standards and principles are

Luciana Echazú, University of New Hampshire et Diego C. Nocetti, Clarkson University

Many investors and corporations believe that accounting for the impact that businesses have on the environment, society as a whole and their own workforces benefits their bottom line.

11 octobre 2022

Patagonia’s grand gesture sends the wrong message about ethical capitalism

By giving up on corporate responsibility, Patagonia’s founder undermines current strides toward ethical capitalism.

24 juillet 2022

Businesses have the responsibility to invest in health and safety when governments fail to

Maxim Voronov, York University, Canada et Burkard Eberlein, York University, Canada

We expect businesses to be more socially and environmentally responsible by minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and eliminating harmful business practices — why don’t we do the same for COVID-19?

27 juin 2022

Business schools get a bad rap – but a closer look shows they’re often a force for good

Despite being the subject of criticism and negative news, business schools do a lot of good for society, a veteran business professor explains in a new book.

7 juin 2022

Hidden costs, manipulation, forced continuity: report reveals how Australian consumers are being duped online

Younger people aged 18 to 28 were more likely to be negatively impacted by manipulative designs on websites and apps.

16 juin 2021

Catholic Church response to sexual abuse must centre on survivor well-being , not defensiveness

Research on how the Catholic Church has responded to sexual abuse shows it’s not only time for the church to walk the talk, but to change the talk away from a defensive legalistic approach.

26 mai 2021

Colonial Pipeline forked over $4.4M to end cyberattack – but is paying a ransom ever the ethical thing to do?

The FBI and Treasury Department frown on the idea of paying off cyber attackers. But there is sufficient ethical and legal gray areas to make it a real moral quandary for business leaders.

10 décembre 2020

Brand activism is moving up the supply chain — corporate accountability or commercial censorship?

Sommer Kapitan, Auckland University of Technology; Amanda Spry, RMIT University; Jessica Vredenburg, Auckland University of Technology et Joya Kemper, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau

B2B brands taking a public moral or ethical stand are increasingly looking at their suppliers and manufacturers to reflect their own values, but where do they draw the line?

21 octobre 2020

OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma may settle legal claims with a new ‘public trust’ that would still be dedicated to profit

The government has tried to harness profit-driven drugmaking to serve public health before. The results were underwhelming.

5 octobre 2020

Women risk losing decades of workplace progress due to COVID-19 – here’s how companies can prevent that

Women suddenly saddled with increased caregiving duties – whether for children or elderly parents – have been forced to reduce their hours, which hurts their careers and lifetime earnings.

5 juin 2020

Seven ways businesses can value black lives (beyond social media posts)

Enacting real change in business is about more than posting online, it is about making real structural and lasting change to how you do business.

30 janvier 2020

Study finds ethics can be taught – in finance, at least

Andrew Gordon Sutherland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Investment advisers who passed a licensing exam with more ethics questions were one-fourth less likely to engage in misconduct than those with less ethics training, according to a new study.

4 décembre 2019

The company that makes OxyContin could become a ‘public trust’ – what would that mean?

The government has tried to harness a profit-driven drug industry to serve public health before.

29 août 2019

Should investors buy marijuana stocks?

A business ethicist explores whether cannabis stocks fit in with a socially responsible approach to investing.

Thèmes connexes

  1. Banking
  2. Business
  3. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  4. environmental social and corporate governance
  5. ESG
  6. Ethics
  7. Finance
  8. Financial markets
  9. LIBOR
  10. Regulation

Les contributeurs les plus fréquents

  1. Atul K. Shah Professor, Accounting and Finance, City, University of London
  2. Scott Shackelford Professor of Business Law and Ethics, Indiana University
  3. David Herzberg Associate Professor of History, University at Buffalo
  4. Dave Watson Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour, University of East Anglia
  5. Kerrie Sadiq Professor of Taxation, QUT Business School, and ARC Future Fellow, Queensland University of Technology
  6. Stephanos Anastasiadis Professor at the Police Academy, Police Academy of Lower Saxony
  7. Shainaz Firfiray Associate Professor, University of Aberdeen
  8. Elizabeth C. Tippett Associate Professor of Law, University of Oregon
  9. Danny Bradlow Professor/Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Advancement of Scholarship, University of Pretoria
  10. Patrick Foong Lecturer, Law, Western Sydney University
  11. Adrian Evans Professor of Law, Monash University
  12. Cristina Neesham Senior Lecturer, Department of Leadership and Management, Swinburne University of Technology
  13. Jörg Wiegratz Lecturer in Political Economy of Global Development, University of Leeds
  14. Steffen Böhm Professor in Organisation & Sustainability, University of Exeter
  15. Justin Oakley Associate Professor, Deputy Director Centre for Human Bioethics, Monash University

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