Penalties for breaches to work health and safety law

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If you do not fulfil your duties or obligations, you are in breach of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) or the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (ES Act) and could be prosecuted.

A breach to work health and safety law in Queensland occurs when:

Examples of breaches of the WHS Act include:

Examples of breaches of the ES Act include:

Categories of offences

There are 4 categories of offences for failing to comply with a health and safety duty under the WHS Act or an electrical safety duty under the ES Act, depending on the degree of seriousness or liability involved.

Industrial manslaughter—the highest penalty under either the WHS Act or the ES Act is for industrial manslaughter where a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), or a senior officer, negligently causes the death of a worker.

Where a PCBU, or senior officer, commits industrial manslaughter, a maximum penalty of 20 years imprisonment for an individual or $10 million for a body corporate applies.

Find more information and definitions of industrial manslaughter.

Category 1—the next highest penalty under either the WHS Act or the ES Act is for a category 1 offence. These are serious breaches where a duty holder recklessly endangers a person to risk of death or serious injury. Offences involving reckless conduct will be prosecuted in the District Court.

Category 2—failure to comply with a health and safety duty or electrical safety duty that exposes a person to risk of death, serious injury or illness. Offences will be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court.

Category 3—failure to comply with a health and safety duty or electrical safety duty. Offences will be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court.

On-the-spot fines

An inspector may issue an on-the-spot fine, also known as an infringement notice, if they believe, on reasonable grounds, that a person is committing or has committed an infringeable offence under work health and safety or electrical safety laws.

Both PCBUs and workers can be issued with an on-the-spot fine. Examples of offences which can be issued with a fine include (but are not limited to):

The fine may be paid in full within 28 days or an application can be made for a payment plan if the fine is over $200.

The alleged offender can choose to contest the infringement notice in a Magistrates Court.

Failure to pay

Not paying the fine can lead to further enforcement action including:

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