Creditable service

At the time of your retirement, we will review and verify your creditable service history.

You may earn service credit in two ways: automatically while you are contributing to the MTRS via regular payroll deductions; and, if you have previously rendered eligible service, you may be able to purchase credit for your prior employment.

Regular MA public school teaching service

This service is credited through your school’s monthly deduction reporting. Note: If you previously rendered MA public school service, and then left and took a refund of your MTRS account, you may “buy back” your prior service credit (this is known as a “refund buyback”). See Other MA public service.

Regular service is earned by all teachers and administrators who are employed on at least a half-time basis and who are contributing members of the MTRS. If you are employed on a full-time basis, you will earn one year of creditable service for each contract year you complete. For service rendered on or after 7/9/2010, service rendered on less than a full-time basis will earn an amount of regular service credit which equals their percentage of full-time employment.

For information on how part-time service is credited, see Part-time “membership” service.

Authorized leaves of absence, including sabbaticals

For paid leaves, you will be credited based on the length of your leave and amount of compensation received, as documented by you and your school district; for unpaid leaves, you may receive up to one month of credit.

You will receive creditable service depending on how you were compensated during your leave. If you received:

Please note:

Military leave of absence during your membership in a MA contributory retirement system

If you rendered active military service in the middle of your Massachusetts public service career, generally you may be eligible to receive credit for a maximum of four years of your time in the military. Please note that if you qualify, the cost of this service is borne by the school district or municipality; you do not have to pay for this time.

To qualify, you must have been an active member of a Massachusetts contributory retirement system immediately prior to entering military service, and, within two years of your discharge or release, you must have returned to membership service. While you were in the military, your local school district or municipality should have been making contributions to the retirement system you belonged to prior to your military service. If such contributions were not made, we will bill the municipality on your behalf for the contributions that should have been made to the retirement system.

If you rendered any of the types of service listed below, you may be eligible to purchase credit for your service. If you wish to purchase credit, you must complete and submit the appropriate service purchase applications, along with any required documentation. We will review your application, determine your eligibility to purchase your service, and send you an invoice.

We strongly encourage you to start the service purchase process early because it often takes some time for you and your prior employers to gather documentation of your past service.

How can I find out how much creditable service I have?

Is all creditable service equal?

How much does it cost to purchase past service?

Generally, the cost of purchasing past service is based on what you would have paid in contributions during that period (plus interest to date) or what you actually paid and withdrew (plus interest to date). Please refer to the information on each type of creditable service to learn how the cost is calculated for that specific type, and be aware of how the type of interest charged is determined, including, if applicable, the limited timeframe for qualifying for the lower, buyback interest rate.

Is it always a good idea to purchase past creditable service?

When can I purchase creditable service?

You can pay in full for any creditable service purchases before the effective date of your retirement. If you wish to purchase creditable service you must apply while a member in service (exception: prior refunded service from a MA Contributory Retirement System and Peace Corps Service). Generally, you are a “member in service” if you are: actively teaching; receiving Workers’ Compensation for total incapacity; on a sick leave; on a paid leave; or on an authorized unpaid leave of less than one year. Because an interest charge is added to the amount due, the cost of purchasing creditable service is increased monthly.

How do I purchase creditable service?

While the specifics differ depending on what type of service you wish to purchase, the basic steps are as follows:

Step 1: You obtain the service purchase application form, if applicable (please see types of purchasable service).

Step 2: You complete and submit the form, supplying us with specific information about the type of service, where and when you rendered it, and what you received as compensation.

Step 3: We review your form, determine how much service you are eligible to purchase as well as your cost, and send you an invoice.

Step 4: Depending on your particular situation, you may then pay the total in full, or, if eligible, in payments over time on our installment plan. Or—except if you are purchasing vocational work experience—you may decide to postpone purchasing the service until a later date, if at all. You are under no obligation to purchase service you have been billed for; however, if you choose to defer your purchase, the cost will increase because of interest charges. Be aware that, depending on the type of service you wish to purchase, deferring your purchase to a later date may result in a significant increase in the interest you must pay because of added interest changes over time, or an increase in the type of interest your purchase is subject to, or both (see Applicable interest in the chart for the different types of purchasable service). [Note: You may be able to pay for your service purchase with pre-tax dollars. Please see Purchasing creditable service with a direct transfer or rollover.]

I am participating in RetirementPlus. What types of creditable service count toward the enhanced benefit eligibility requirement of “at least 20 years of membership service with the MTRS (or Boston Retirement System) as a teacher?”

Is service rendered as a “consultant” in a school district, or as an “03” employee of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, eligible for purchase?

No—this type of service is ineligible for purchase by MTRS members.