Get Trained. Act with Confidence.

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In-Person + Online (Blended)


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Adult, Child and Baby First Aid/CPR/AED (Online). Get the skills and knowledge to help save someone’s life. Learn more

Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED (Online + Classroom). Develop the skills to respond to <a href=breathing and cardiac emergencies. Learn more" />

Basic Life Support (Online + Classroom). Develop the skills that drive better patient outcomes. Learn more

Our Class Programs

Online Classes & Training

Online Classes & Training

First Aid



BLS/CPR for Healthcare

BLS/CPR for Healthcare


Babysitting & Child Care

Babysitting & Child Care

Skills Sessions

Skills Sessions



Swimming + Water Safety

Swimming + Water Safety

Instructor Training & Bridging

Instructor Training & Bridging



Training for Organizations

Training for Organizations

Workplace Safety (First Aid/CPR/AED)

Workplace Safety (First Aid/CPR/AED)


Healthcare Professionals (BLS/ALS/PALS)

Healthcare Professionals (BLS/ALS/PALS)

First Responders (Police, Fire, EMS)

First Responders (Police, Fire, EMS)


Purchase AED

Purchase AED

Contact Us

Contact Us

More than 4.6M people turn to us, the trusted training provider for First Aid , CPR, BLS and more, every year to gain lifesaving skills. Trust us to deliver unmatched lifesaving training that will provide you the confidence and skills to act when moments matter.

How We Teach

Icon of a person teaching at a board to students for Classroom Courses


Icon of laptop and a person teaching at a board to students for Online and Classroom Courses

Online + Classroom

Icon of laptop for Online Courses


Red Cross Instructor teaching CPR training to students.

Interested in becoming a Red Cross Instructor?

Learn how to teach critical lifesaving and disaster preparedness skills to individuals, businesses and communities. Find convenient course information and certification options today.

Individuals in a CPR training class practicing chest compressions on CPR manikins.

For Students

As a Red Cross student, you will obtain the most up-to-date lifesaving knowledge and skills to confidently respond when moments matter. Our comprehensive courses include First Aid, CPR, Lifeguarding, and Basic Life Support (BLS) and others.